URS GAD Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

GAD Vision

URS is the premier higher learning institution on gender mainstreaming in the province of Rizal and beyond toward a gender-responsive society for sustainable development.

GAD Mission

The University is committed to promote gender-responsive development and empowerment through capability building, advocacy, instruction, research, linkage and extension services.

GAD Goals

Goal 1: To develop a gender-sensitive curriculum and promote gender equality in education.

Goal 2: To integrate gender perspectives in research and use the results as a basis for an effective GAD plan and program implementation.

Goal 3: To establish sustainable partnerships and linkages through GAD related extension services, training, and advocacy to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Goal 4: To increase the production of IEC, instructional materials, and knowledge products on GAD.


1. To organize the GAD Committee on all campuses, develop and continually support the capacities of the GAD pool of trainers, resource persons, advocates and service providers.

2. To disseminate information and increase awareness on gender issues and concerns, women’s human rights, GAD mainstreaming, planning and budgeting, gender analysis, and tools through orientation, trainings and seminar-workshops.

3. To conduct gender-related research studies, map existing initiatives and showcase new initiatives on GAD.

4. To develop and collect gender-related materials such as information, education and communication (IEC) materials, publication and tools, multimedia, gender statistics, research studies, and a directory of GAD experts.

5. To integrate gender perspectives in the policy, curriculum, research and extension, advocacy, linkages, training and other development programs.

6. To provide technical assistance to the concerned Regional/ Provincial Line Agencies (R/PLAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Non-Government/Private Organizations (NGOs/POs) toward developing their capabilities and capacities for GAD mainstreaming.