Office of the Board Secretary

The Board Secretary appointed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of the President of the University shall serve as secretary of both the Board and the university and shall keep all records and proceedings of the Board. He/She shall communicate to each member of the Board notice of meetings. In addition, his/her duties and functions are as follows:

  • Backstop and render technical assistance to the University President in the formulation and implementation of policies, rules and regulations approved by the Board of Regents, Academic and Administrative Councils;
  • Prepare documentation and communications for appropriate actions by the URS President;
  • Monitor information to the different Colleges/Schools for the effective and efficient operation of the University;
  • Act as a Secretary of the Academic Council, Administrative Council, Executive Committee meetings and other meetings and conferences called for by the URS President;
  • Prepare agenda of meetings, minutes of meetings of the Academic Council, Administrative Council, Executive Council Meetings as well as provide pertinent enclosure for adequate documentation of items in the agenda;
  • Keep records and minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Regents and other pertinent record of the University;
  • Prepare office memoranda, office orders, office circulars and prepare official communications for other agencies government or private; and
  • Disseminate the approved resolutions passed by the Board to the officials and parties concerned subject to the approval of the President.