Meaning of the Logo Design


This represents an empowered woman with knowledge and competence in her work and responsibilities, as well as unconditional love and care for her family and others.


This represents a man who is gender sensitive and responsive, passionate about his family, responsible for his roles and responsibilities, has a humble heart, respects equal rights, and encourages others’ development and selfactualization.


This represents the ten campuses of URS that represent sustained positive development among people, and they are committed to promote gender equality and empowerment through education and collaborative efforts to address gender issues and concerns that impedes one’s development and to continue to mainstream GAD in the university’s various programs, projects and activities with harmony.

Shaking Hands.

This represents an empowering relationship between men and women, as they assist one another in extending a helping hand to those in need.

Gender Signs.

The circle supported by a cross represents the feminine strength, and the spiral sphere represents their evolving traits and roles from being weak and submissive to being determined and empowered. The male or masculine symbol is a cross with an arrow head in dynamic motion, which represents their power guided by the principles of equal rights, women empowerment, and gender equality.


This represents URS, which serves as a pillar of the community and contributes significantly to the advancement and equality of the people.


This represents Rizal Province, the home of URS.