- Ensure that all financial transactions of the University comply with COA and other government requirement and regulations;
- Ensure that vouchers and supporting papers, records and documents are reviewed, verified and found to be correct and that fidelity in handling and safekeeping of them shall be exercised at all times;
- Recommend policies and procedures for effective management and economic utilization of the resources of the University;
- Review agency organizational structure, staffing, administrative systems and procedures;
- Oversee and monitor the operations of the offices in the University;
- Discuss audit results with auditee/s before the draft of the report is finalized;
- Prepare report on the results of audit;
- Make appropriate recommendations based on the result of the audit;
- Follow-up action to determine if audit recommendations have been carried out or not and to inquire for the reasons for non-compliance; and,
- Perform other functions that may be delegated by superiors.