- Organize the paper following these major headings and sequence:
- Title of the Study
- Author(s)’ name(s)First name, middle initial, and family name with the email address written below, followed by the department, name of institutional affiliation
- Abstract.It can be written in any of the two methods:
- Long method, consists of 200-250 words which includes the manuscript’s topic, methods, and findings;
- Short method, composed of three (3) to five (5) sentences that focus on the research main thesis.
- Keywords.There should be at least three (3) keywords to assist in indexing the paper and identifying qualified reviewers
- Introduction. It is the rationale behind the study, significance, limitation, setting, and other related literature and studies.
- Theoretical Framework. This explains the theory where the research is anchored.
- Methodology.This states the complete flow of the research emphasizing how the data were gathered as well as the methods of interpretation. Ethical consideration of the study should also be included to inform the readers of the precaution taken.
- Body/Findings. This includes the discussion of the results of the study which depends on the type of research. Like, quantitative research should include all the necessary graphs and tables to further explain the result, while qualitative research should focus on the flows of arguments in supporting its claim.
- Conclusions.It is the main thesis of the study which answers the questions posed at the beginning or in the introductory research.
- Recommendations.Provide suggestions based on the findings as well as the limitations of the study.
- References.This should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format where the In-text citation should be (author, year).
- Write the manuscript on the Formatted Word Documentwhich will be sent by the Editor attached from these guidelines. Use Times New Roman with 11 font size.
- The paper should have a minimum of eight (8) pages and a maximum of twenty pages (20). (Note: Extra consideration will be given to researchers with special needs).
- Check your grammar using the application Grammarly or any similar application. Then submit your paper to a language expert in the University (URS) for further enhancement. Once the paper was already checked, secure a Certificate of Consultationwith the experts’ signature. (Reminder: Picture of the certificate should be attached to the submitted manuscript).Note: Payment or any token to be given to the language expert should be shouldered by the researchers.
- Submit your manuscript to the editor.
Email : ursprj@gmail.com
- Wait for the initial response and recommendation of the editor.