Green Alliance Philippines brought together 600 Green Ambassadors as registered participants from institutions and local government units nationwide, including the University of Rizal System at the 5th National Youth Environmental Summit at Teacher’s Camp Baguio City, March 1-4.
The summit highlighted speeches, discussions, breakouts and workshops that revolved around the theme: “Youth Climate Action Towards Building Green Campuses and Sustainable, Peaceful and Resilient Communities.”
Selected student federation officers including Ralph Xavier Talavera, Vice-President Internal (URSP); Katherine Llorente, Treasurer (URSA); Kyla Rocelle Atutubo, Auditor (URSB); and Ginuel Buenaventura, PRO (URSP); together with the Head of Student Organizations in Pililla Campus, Prof. Reniel Domingo, represented the University.
The summit aimed to enhance the leadership and communication skills of the youth participants and train them to become Green Ambassadors who will initiate activities and projects that would help mitigate the impact of climate change. ~ RMD