By: Janelle Faulve
In an era where technological advancements are rapidly transforming the landscape of every industry, the importance of staying updated and adapting to new technologies cannot be overstated. To address this crucial need, a training session by Pinnacle Technologies, Inc. was held at the Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Tanghalang Sining (EARTS) on March 22.
With the primary objective of enhancing knowledge and fostering adaptability to fast-paced technological changes, the training was facilitated by Pinnacle Technologies, Inc. in coordination with the University Management Information System (MIS), as it also aimed to equip attendees with the skills and insights needed to navigate and leverage the new Employee Portal System effectively. Pinnacle Technologies was represented by Ms. Maricris Dumaran in collaboration with Engr. Marvin Baquiran, Information Technology Officer.
The morning training session started with opening remarks from Dr. Nancy Pascual, University President. Dr. Pascual emphasized the significance of continuous learning and evolution in today’s digital age. She emphasized that remaining current on developing technology broadens one’s knowledge and improves professional competencies, making people more competitive and staying relevant in the modern world.
Attendees from various URS campuses, including Binangonan, Rodriguez, Pililla, Angono, and Cardona campuses convened for the morning session. In contrast, attendees from Morong, Tanay, Cainta, Taytay, and Antipolo City campuses met during the afternoon session. Ms. Dumaran and the University MIS team led workshops and discussions tailored to the topics regarding the introduction of the new Employee Portal System that includes Account Activation, Leave, Official Business (OB), Seminar Management, Overtime (OT), Compensatory Overtime Credit (COC), Compensatory Time Off (CTO), Work from Home (WFH) management; and Change Schedule and Correction for Time In/Out management. The open forum followed afterward.
As both sessions drew to a close, Dr. Marvin Amoin, Vice President for Administration and Finance, delivered closing remarks, expressing gratitude to the attendees for their active participation and emphasizing the importance of applying the knowledge gained from the training in their respective roles. Dr. Amoin reiterated the need for a continuous learning mindset, emphasizing that the journey toward technological proficiency is ongoing and dynamic.