A virtual career orientation with a theme ““Follow the Guide, Tag a Career, Like the Future” was initiated by the Office of OJT and Placement on March 31 via Zoom and Facebook Live Stream.
Resource speakers were Ms. Regina Negapatayan, FWD Financial Wealth Officer, and Prof. Glenn Ison, faculty member from URS Angono. Both career experts, they talked about how to be prepared for the corporate world despite the new normal setting. A total of 2,690 graduating students from the different campuses of the University actively participated the program.
The career orientation program was designed to give students the views of the variety of jobs in the different industries, develop job acquisition and retention skills and be able to come up with career and educational plan based on their interests, abilities, aptitudes and goals.
The conduct of this activity was through the initiative of Mr. Vlandin SJ. Lado, head of the office of OJT and Placement. //