1. The Library Services Unit considers upgrading the library collection by acquiring e-resources (ebooks and ejournals) and make them available online through the URS Library Portal which students and faculty can access anytime.
2. Online Library Instruction and Virtual Assistance will be provided to answer reference queries.
3. Printed library resources are strictly for room use only. Borrowing privileges are suspended.
4. Book quarantine will be practiced.
5. Library users are required to secure an appointment with the library staff to ensure the implementation of physical distancing. 1 library user for every 1.5 square meters shall be adopted.
6. Information dissemination using social media platforms and the URS Library website will be initiated.
7. The use of equipment in the Electronic Resource Center will be limited. Wireless connectivity is highly encouraged only for academic use.
8. Online access to the library collection will be made available through the URS Online Public Access Catalog.
9. Bibliographic information of theses and dissertations will be uploaded in URS Online Public Access Catalog. The full text will be available upon request considering copyright restrictions.
10. Information dissemination using social media platforms and the URS Library website will be initiated.
11. Health and safety protocols will strictly be observed upon entry to the library. Bringing personal hygiene kits is encouraged.
12. The faculty should provide the library with Instructional Materials granting permission to have it uploaded online considering copyright restrictions.
13. Remote Reference Service and Online Document Delivery Service will be made available to library users in need of reference materials available at the library