- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Strassuc Uniforms for URS
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Supplies and Materials for Tanay Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Various Paints for Tanay Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Hand Tools for Morong Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Monobloc Table and Chairs for Tanay Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for Accounting Office
- Request for Quotation for the Calibration of Laboratory Equipment of Food Testing Lab in Morong Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Airconditioning Unit for UPMEO Morong Campus
- Request for Proposal for the Renovation of Comfort Rooms at Rodriguez Campus
- Request for Proposal for the improvement of GAD Center in Tanay Campus
- Request for Proposal for the Construction of Chicken Grower House in Tanay Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Fire Extinguishers for Binangonan Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for URS Rodriguez Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Construction Materials for Morong Campus
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for URS Rodriguez Campus